miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

When I see the sun , you smile to the moon.

    Dear me;
                 as you can see , all what you do is almost wrong. There is only one reason for keeping fighting , and that reason will not be with you when the new year begins. I know , it´s sad , but true , and no matter what you try to do , you won´t be able to be in two different places at the very same time.

    I know that that´s makes you wanna send all this to the fucking ***** , but , never , never EVER , lost what you are , because , someday , you will be with her , and everything will have sense .

  Until then , keep sleeping , and when the new year arrives , call me , because I´m you  , I´m always with you , my little lady of light . . .

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